Iklan Anda
Do you know what a Email subscribe box or Subscription Form is? A box
which brings high traffic to your blog. People just put their email
address in an ordinary box and then click on the "Subscribe" button and
then, they would get all your blog's new material right on their email's
Inbox and if you have feedburner's summary feature enabled, they will
come to your blog by reading an interesting heading on the reached
Step1: How Setting up Feedburner RSS and Email subscription for your blog Click Here
Step 2: Go to blogger dashboard > Layout > add a gadget > Html/javascript.
Step 3: Copy the code of desired "about-me" gadget and paste it into Html/javascript window.
Follow Step:
Step1: How Setting up Feedburner RSS and Email subscription for your blog Click Here
Step 2: Go to blogger dashboard > Layout > add a gadget > Html/javascript.
Step 3: Copy the code of desired "about-me" gadget and paste it into Html/javascript window.
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<a class="bsub open" href="javascript:void(0)"><span id="bsub-text">Follow</span></a>
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<h3><label for="loggedout-follow-field">Subscribe via Email</label></h3>
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<p>Get every new post delivered to your Inbox.</p>
<p><input type="email" name="email" style="width: 95%; padding: 1px 2px;outline:none" onclick="value=''" value="Enter your email address" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=="Enter your email address") ? "" : this.value;" onblur="this.value=(this.value=="") ? "Enter email address" : this.value;" id="loggedout-follow-field"/></p>
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Replace Iklan Anda
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