
How To Reset And Start COC With New Villaget 2016

Iklan Anda

Clash of Clans is a serious addiction and I love it. Loots, attacks, Clan wars  keeps me awake whole night. Initially when I started playing COC, I used  whole of my gems. After playing for few days, understood their importance. All we need is builder in this game and it’s not possible  without gems so I decided to start the village from initial place. I got two  Gmail accounts one was linked with initial village and second one was  going to be used with new village, which I was going to create.

Many of us don’t know how to start a new fresh village or load a different village on same Android device. I’ve done few articles on these issues. Here you will get complete information about creating a new village (Account) on same Android device.
But If you are playing with two accounts then here is a way to swap between two accounts on same device.
So Let’s get started with New village in Clash Of Clans.

Clash of Clans New Account (Village)

  • On your Android device open settings.
  • Click on apps  and open Clash Of Clans.
  • Here you will information like Force Stop, Clear Cache, Clear data. Clear data is your key to successfully complete this task.
  • Tap on clear data. This step will clear you present village from mobile. If you have linked your game with Google+, there is no need panic. Your whole progression will remain safe.
Clash of clans new village

» After clearing data you are all set. Now launch the Game, i.e, Open COC and it will open up with new fresh village. Enjoy your new village.

Clash of clans new village

Now you can start playing from beginning with new village. But for saving the progress of newly created game it need to be linked with Google+. For that you need to tap on settings and click on link to device button.

I hope you all know how to link COC with Google+ ID. Do remember to link this game with different Gmail account. Don’t use previous village ID. One can add Gmail account in Android by following below steps :

Now simply link this game and your village will remain saved with google. You can easily swap between both the villages.

So this was all about How to create new village in Clash of clans on same Android device. Now you can play from starting with fresh village if you did something wrong like spending gems or setting up wrong name for your village. This will solve your problem.

For any query feel free to comment. Read and Share :)

Iklan Anda

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