
How To Create Social Content Locker for Blogger Free 2016

Iklan Anda

After using multiple sharing widget in your blogger, is your social exposure is on the lower side? Do you think that people read your content, but in spite of sharing or liking your content, they just read and leave? Do you have a feeling that they completely ignore whether your website has traffic or not. Well, in that case you have to drive your readers to like or share your page in order to discover your content. This is likely the best means to increase your social traffic, especially for those design sites that shares free resources. Locking the entire page by some pop up probably the worst idea because this fails to showcase the importance of your content. That's why this locker is designed to lock a specific part of your page instead of the entire page. It can lock any part of your webpage and can be implemented infinite times on a single page. You can even change the appearance of this locker to your custom style.

Before you proceed to make any customization in your blogger template, it is recommended to backup your blog template if anything goes wrong.

 Let's start.
  1. Login to your Blogger account, go to Blogger dashboard, click the arrow adjacent to 'Go to post list icon' and select 'Template' from dropdown menu. You can also select the 'Template' from left navigation menu.
Click 'Edit HTML'.

  1. Make sure whether jQuery library is already included in your blog. If not, search for (Ctrl+F) <head> and paste (Ctrl+V) the following line just after <head>.
    <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>

  • Search for (Ctrl+F) </head> and paste (Ctrl+V) the following code before </head>.

  • Customization
    There are seven buttons available for content locking. These are, 
    • facebook-like :
    • facebook-share :
    • google-plus :
    • google-share :
    • twitter-tweet :
    • twitter-follow :    and
    • linkedin-share :
    You can apply any number of buttons for your blog. You can even change the order of these buttons in the order:[] option (8th line of the code). Separate each button by a comma (,).
    This section consists of two sub-sections; 'header' and 'message'. The 'message' appears under the 'header'. You can modify the content of these two sub-sections of your own or you can leave these fields empty. Detailed description of 'header' and 'message' is depicted below (15th and 16th line of the code).
    • header
    • message

    This specifies the visual aspect of your locker. There are five predefined locker themes available. You can select any of the following styles (20th line of the code). You can even leave this field empty. The style is 'starter' by default.
    • secrets
    • dandyish
    • flat
    • glass
    • starter

    Additional Customization
    A countdown timer will be displayed. The 'timer' option takes only integer values (19th line of the code).


    A close button will be displayed at the top right corner of locker. The 'close' option takes only Boolean values (true or false) (19th line of the code).

  • Click 'Save template'.
  • Now whenever you are interested to display social content locker in your blog post, wrap your code within the following snippet of code.

    <article id="default-usage">
     <div class="to-lock" style="display:none;">
      -- Your Content --
    Facebook Share Button
    A lot of people have been asking me that they are having problem whenever they are trying to implement Facebook share button. Well, first I have to clarify that Facebook share button does not work the way as Facebook like button. For integrating Facebook like button in your website pages you don’t need an App ID, a unique identifier for your website, but for integrating Facebook share button App ID is must required.
    Get a Facebook App ID for your website. Follow the steps carefully and comeback when you're done.
    Once you have your App ID, you can insert it in your code. To do this, change the facebook option as follows.
    facebook: {
      appId:1234567890, //write your actual App ID
      url:"https://www.facebook.com/bloganalyzer.nightfury", //replace with your Facebook url
    But wait. What if your Facebook like button and share button url are not the same.
    Different URL for Facebook
    Well, fortunately this also possible with social content locker. You have to declare url twice. For example, write the facebook option as follows.
    facebook: {
        url:"https://www.facebook.com/PRIOSOFT.BD/" //replace with your Facebook url
        appId:1234567890, //write your App ID,
        url:"PRIOSOFT.TK", //replace with your blog name
    You got it, right? But wait again. What if your like button url remains same all the time but your share button url is dynamic and it is same as your blog current url.
    Dynamic URL for Facebook
    For this purpose you have to declare a variable where you can pass your current blog url and write that variable in facebook share section. Sounds dumb, right? Well if you are familiar with web designing you would probably understand what I'm talking about. But the purpose of this blog is to provide code for everyone. So the entire code is written below (for this last customization only).

    <link href='http://cdn.rawgit.com/menightfury/social-locker/master/style.css' rel='stylesheet'/>
    <script src='http://cdn.rawgit.com/menightfury/social-locker/master/script.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      $('#default-usage .to-lock').sociallocker({
        var current_url = $(location).attr('href'); 
        buttons: {order:["facebook-like","facebook-share","google-plus"]},
        facebook: {
          share:{appId:1234567890, url:current_url},
        google: {url:"https://plus.google.com/+BloganalyzerBlogspot"},
        text: {
          header: "Like us To Unlock This Content",
          message: "This content is locked. Like us on Twitter, Facebook or Google plus to unlock it."
        locker: {close: false, timer: 0,},
        theme: "secrets"

      Hope your problems will be solved by now. 
    This awesome widget is created by Onepress-media for Wordpress blog.

    I tried my best to keep things as uncomplicated as possible. Any type of question related to this will be appreciated.
    Happy Blogging.

    Iklan Anda

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    Template By Muh Akram